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WEBINAR|Apple Search Ads Problem Solving: A Strategy Workshop.

The 1-2-3s of Apple Search Ads

1. Review your metadata

Break down your metadata into a brand keyword list. Review your categories. Read over your reviews for new conquesting keywords.

•   Title

•   Subtitle

•   Keywords

•   Developer Name

•   In-App Events

•   In-App Purchases

•   Categories

•   User Reviews

2. Organize your campaigns and keywords by type

Type Match Type Search Match? # of Keywords Suggested Caps Budget
Brand Exact No < 25 per ad group No cap 40-50%
Competitor/Conquest Exact No < 50 per ad group High CPT 20-25%
Category Broad No < 50 per ad group CPT > CPA 20-25%
Discovery Broad Yes Depends CPT < CPA 10-20%

CPA: Cost-Per-Acquisition | CPT: Cost-Per-Tap

3. Run your campaigns, find patterns, and build benchmarks

Find user and seasonal patterns to keywords

Analyze A/B tests to see how Custom Product Pages can be used to increase conversion.

Take the historical data on keywords and chart the trends of each one. Some keywords (single or longtail) are used differently as time goes on. A good bid amount a year ago may be worth more today.

Re-structure budget, campaigns, and ad groups

Place keywords into buckets based on key values like CPA and Conversion Rate (CR).

Brand keywords that fall in conversion rates can be moved to discovery, category, or brand campaigns with lower bid amounts.

Add to your brand campaign keywords in discovery or category campaigns that are high performing.

Low performing keywords with high CPT and low CR should be added to a negative keywords list.

Ad groups should be evaluated for budget and keyword performance in different regions.

And step 4… repeat regularly!